Notas sobre el derecho civil de Cataluña ante el proceso codificador español


  • Juan Baró Pazos


This paper studies the relationship between the codification process of Spanish civil law, which ended with the enactment of the Code in 1888-1889, and civil law in Catalonia, which succeeded in being preserved following the Decree of Nueva Planta of 1716. Having overcome the critical period of the Age of the Enlightenment, the paper analyses the position of Catalonia and its civil law in the face of the codification attempts occurring during the 19th century, focussing especially on Catalonia's reaction to the 1851 draft and the subsequent involvement of Duran i Bas in the final stage of the codification process. It culminated in a solution for a commitment to the legislation of those territories with independent laws, which allowed the Code to ultimately be enacted.


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Ponències i comunicacions del seminari "La Mancomunitat de Catalunya": aspectes històrics i competencials