Feudalismo y régimen señorial en Aragón. Algunas notas sobre los informes de Juan Pérez de Nueros


  • Alejandro Abadía Irache


Three features of the secular seigneurial regime in Aragon may be pointed out. Firstly, the discretion of the founders, whose will was the supreme rule for the establishment of vínculos or relationships. Secondly, the usurpation of criminal jurisdiction and the exercise of absolute authority. And thirdly, the access to credit, which subverted the foundational order of the vínculos and made creditors a key piece in the seigneurial apparatus. The ecclesiastical lords, on the other hand, respected the status of their vassals as subjects under charters and did not alienate the proprietary levies (rentas dominicales). The reports of the tax lawyer Juan Pérez de Nueros and especially the Sumaria notitia de algunas cosas del Reyno de Aragón (1565-1570) give a precise idea of the feudalism and seigneurial regime in Aragon.


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