Del Fracaso recopilatorio a la pérdida definitiva del derecho foral valenciano (1707-1804)


  • Aniceto Masferrer


Following the second compilation of Valencias regional law, from 1547 to 1548, several failed compilation attempts were made in 1564, 1604 and 1626. Interestingly, this eagerness to produce a compilation of Valencias territorial laws did not subside after the regional charter had been abolished in 1707. This study describes the situation from 1707 to 1804 and in order to do so it analyses various references and pieces of news written by a number of Valencian lawyers on the advantages of producing a compilation of the regional laws in force from the abolitionist decrees of 1707 to Apuntamientos para escribir la historia del derecho valenciano of 1804. The author, José Villarroya, wished to publish this work whilst working on the task entrusted to him by King Charles IV, namely that of compiling the laws that did not threaten the sovereignty and regalías, or privileges, of the King and thus could remain in force.


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