Uniformidad versus unidad y las propuestas de un jurista catalán (1843-1844)


  • Elena Roselló Chérigny


Early Spanish liberal constitutionalism saw the participation of various Catalan jurists in both parliamentary debates and as members of legislative commissions. This study analyses the contribution of Domingo María Vila, deputy for Barcelona in the 1836-1837, 1839 and 1841 legislatures, to the General Codification Commission after it was established in 1843. Vila ? a jurist, professor at Barcelona University and practicing lawyer in Madrid ? actively participated in both the Civil and Penal sections of the Commission and in the drafting of the Civil Code that would be enacted in 1851. This study will focus specifically on an analysis of a speech by Domingo María Vila to the Commission in 1843 on the controversy regarding the uniformity of the incorrectly named rights of the foral provinces (with a chartered regime) and the interpretation of the constitutional mandate in Article 4 of the 1837 Constitution.





