La Carta de poblament d'Eivissa i Formentera, del 1236


  • Antonio Planas Rosselló


The article studies the Municipal Charter granted in 1236 to the islands of Ibiza and Formentera by their feudal lords, Guillem de Montgrí, Nuño Sanç and Prince Peter of Portugal, a few months after freeing them from Islamic rule. The Charter, based on the one granted to Majorca by King James I in 1230, declares the validity of the Usatges de Barcelona as a supplementary law. Thus, differences between the 1236 Charter and its Majorcan model attend in many cases the desire to maintain the feudal rules contained in the old Catalan text for the Pityusic islands. Through its study, we can achieve an overview of the social model implemented in these islands after its reconquest. The article also offers a new reconstruction of the text that eliminates some errors and omissions existing in previous transcripts.


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