Memorials en defensa de la unitat del principat de Catalunya i els comtats de Rosselló i Cerdanya (S. XVII)


  • Antoni Jordà Fernández


The relationship between the counties of Rosselló and Cerdanya and the Principality of Catalonia was traditionally accepted as a solid institutional and political reality. However, in the 1620s several attempts were made, on behalf of the counties directed and headed by Perpignans municipality to achieve separation from the Principality and from the Autonomous Government of Catalonia. The briefs addressed to King Philip IV on behalf of the syndics of Perpignan (Lluís Baldo and Lluís Palau, and indirectly, Andreu Bosc) found a forceful response in other briefs from the Autonomous Government of Catalonia and its legal advisers Joan Pere Fontanella and Bernat Sala. The arguments of both parties bring to light not only a number of very different historical and legal interpretations but they also show how resentment had accumulated over many decades on behalf of the inhabitants of the counties as a result of Barcelonas excessively centralized institutional politics.


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