Ramon de Penyafort i el procediment inquisitorial contra els heretges


  • Sergi Grau Torras


Raymond of Penyafort dealt with the problem of heresy on several occasions. His task as a compiler of decretals of Gregory IX allowed him to establish a legal framework founded in the canonical law to proceed against heretics and to modify and clarify certain issues in the field of the inquisitorial law. In one of his works, the Summa de paenitentia, Raymond of Penyafort defined who could be called heretic and he stipulated penalties imposed on heretics on the basis of the canonical legislation of the decretals. Sometimes, he also answered some questions on how to proceed in the reconciliations of heretics. The first time he did this was in 1235, when he wrote some indications on the treatment imposed on heretics. Furthermore, the most extensive and important response was the extensive directory, or inquisitorial guide, in 1242, where he established a division of categories of suspects and collaborators of heresy and described the sentences and the formulas for reconciliation of each category. He also participated actively as a confessor and penitentiary of the Pope regarding the reconciliation of some religious men and nobles of his time. Raymond of Penyafort always dealt with heresy from the canon law and his contribution was fundamental in building a legal framework to proceed against heretics in Catalonia.


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