Principis i dret cooperatiu durant la Segona República (1931-1934) i el franquisme (1938-1974)


  • Jordi Pujol Moix


We will start by exposing the evolution of the cooperative goals and principles published by Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers (from now on, Rochdale Pioners) in the mid xix to the cooperative values and principles that were enacted at the International Cooperative Alliance (ACI) congresses in Paris in 1937, in Viena in 1966 and in Manchester in 1995. We will detail their evolution and their constant adjustment to the reality of the cooperative movement and the social and economical environment. After, we will review the legislative evolution in Catalonia and Spain from the first cooperative laws during the Second Spanish Republic in 1931, and we will examine Franco's cooperative regulation between 1938 and 1974. Specifically we will study the correlation of the cooperative principles and cooperative regulation, and we will also see how cooperative law adapts to reality and the importance of political context in these rules.


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