El llibre Privilegis de la vila de Sabadell


  • Maria Jesús Espuny Tomás
  • Daniel Vallès Muñío


The analysis of the privileges contained in the book Privilegis de la vila de Sabadell has allowed us to consider a model of the development and consolidation of municipal institutions in Catalonia. These are unique provisions, granted by sovereigns or jurisdictional lords in favour of a person, town or entities, with an exceptional or specialist nature, and with the aim of regulating specific aspects of the legal status of the person or institution and also of local or municipal life. Sometimes they comprise the exemption of tax charges or the donation, as a favour or grace of various powers, markets or immunities. They may also have contents of private, criminal or procedural law. Within the Catalan legislation of the late Middle Ages, the privilege is assimilated to the hierarchy of law.


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