La monarquía hispánica en la encrucijada de las dos tradiciones marítimas de origen medieval: la Mediterránea y la Atlántica


  • Margarita Serna Vallejo


The object of this study is to explain how Hispanic Monarchy found itself in de Modern at a crossroad with the two maritime traditions that appeared along the European coasts from the Middle Age on, and what was the scope of this situation. This special circumstance caused that on it's coasts, as in France, both the Mediterranean and the Atlantic maritime law's ruled, and due to this fact, the Rôles d'Oléron and the Llibre del Consolat de Mar had a remarkable diffusion. The essay analyses the origin and the progression of both texts and the subsequent recast of both maritime traditions in the 1681, French Navy Ordinance that inspired the French commercial Code and from that, the rest of the national maritime laws of Europe, including the Spanish Commercial Code of 1829.


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