Les corporacions lletrades: una complexa adaptació al nou ordre liberal


  • Carles Tormo i Camallonga


With the general Statutes for the regime of the Reign's lawyers associations in 1838, the legislator expects to adapt the legal association to the law and the Public Administration of the time. This will mean the consolidation of the rules of all associations, as an indispensable step for new fairness concept. But the necessity of taking into account another of the Liberalism ideas, equality, will drag the associations into a permanent conflict because of the poor law ruling in this field, with unclear goals. This issue shows the great insecurity of the administrative doctrine in relation to corporations as legal entity, the need to detail the real reasons for them and the duty of the lawyers to associate. We are not talking about a group of craftsmen but of a corporation lawyers, scientists and politicians, in a permanent changing world, economically as well. Conflicts to do with having the exclusivity in certain judicial demarcations or courts, between the associations and non-associated lawyers, especially between the associations of the capitals and the ones in smaller towns, are inevitable.


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