A propòsit de les teories de la creació de la corona d'Aragó mitjançant el casamiento en casa i l'extinció del llinatge barceloní el 1137


  • Cristian Palomo Reina


The text explains de historiographic thesis about the 1137 convention between King Ramiro II of Aragon and Count Ramon Berenguer IV of Barcelona. The first thesis supports the idea that the donation to the Count, of Peronella, the king's daughter, and the Aragonese kingdom by the king, were not so much a donation than a marriage that took place according to the aragonese private law called casamiento en casa, that comported the submission of Count Ramon to Peronella. This theory was conceived by the aragonese specialist in medieval history Antonio Ubieto Arteta, reason why we find it necessary to expose shortly his previous steps in relation to the Catalan medieval issue, in which there are controversial thesis about the Valencia language and conquest and the Cristian repopulation of the kingdom of Valencia. The second theory, that completely supports the casamiento en casa, considers the adoption of Ramon Berenguer IV by King Ramiro II and the extinction of the Barcelonese Count linage branch. It goes on to analyze the facts and documents of the time and recent bibliography on the subject. Finally, it details the wrong conclusions and the lack of scientific method for both thesis.


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