Tomàs Milans i Godayol, escolà i mestre de capella del Palau de la comtessa (c. 1680-1714) i la seva relació amb Sant Josep Oriol


  • Josep Maria Gregori i Cifré


Tomàs Milans i Godayol, a member of a family of Catalan musicians of the 17th and 18th centuries, was trained, with his brother Carles, at the choir school of the Palace of the Countess in Barcelona, which they entered around 1680. Tomàs succeeded his teacher Felip Olivelles as chapel master of the Palace, a position which he held until the tragic end of the War of the Spanish Succession, which forced him to take refuge in the Cathedral of Girona. The ancestors of Milans and of St. Josep Oriol were related. Josep Oriol oversaw the training of the young Tomàs who, together with the Palace choristers, witnessed the many extraordinary events that marked the latter years of the saints life. Milans, with the four choristers of the Palace, performed his Litanies of the Mother of God and F. Olivelles Stabat Mater at the foot of St. Josep Oriols deathbed. This paper presents the statements made by the former choristers of the Palau, Cosme Palmés and Anastasi Barberà, together with those made by the former choristers and musicians of Santa Maria del Pi and the Palace, including Francesc Oliva, Joan Feliu, Joan Baptista Vidal, Joan Morreres, Francesc Llussà, Josep Rossell, Pere Joan Clavell, Pau Rosés and also Pere Rabassa from Seville, in St. Josep Oriols beatification process, which began in 1759.


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