"Todo lo que tiene que acompañar la música, para que el concepto vaya hermanado con el acento": la música y la palabra en las misas de Francesc Valls (1671-1747)


  • Ksenia Starkova


Music has always had a certain relationship with the word that was transformed and interpreted in various historical periods according to each one's thought. Through the prism of his theoretical work, the treatise Mapa armónico práctico and its practical implementation, this study seeks to analyse the relationship between music and text in the masses of Francesc Valls, a Catalan composer who carried out his artistic activity in the first half of the 18th century. The musical analysis of the composer's five masses shows different ways of treating the word that fluctuate between the rudimentary manner of the Renaissance and the most novel and coherent style of the late Baroque. These different forms of treatment reflect the evolution of the composer's musical language.


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