Infrmeria i exili: El cas de les visitadores sanitàries Authors Josep Bernabeu - Mestre Maria Eugenia Galiana Sánchez Abstract Nursing and Exile. The Case of Health visitors .First, the article analyses how nursing was organized under the public health system and its late incorporation into the fi eld of public health in Spain. It goes on to discuss the project to set up a school to train public health nurses, which took place in 1931 with the collaboration of the Rockefeller Foundation. Then, it analyses the consequences of the civil war (1936-1939) and the exilebrought about by that particular process of institutionalisation. Finally, the paper discusses the role that some of the exiled nurses played in developing the nursing profession in Latin America. Downloads PDF (Català) Published 2012-10-07 Issue 61: Primavera 2009 Section Monogràfic