Un guió escènic bizantí sobre La passió de Crist


  • Sebastià Janeras i Vilaró


Here we present the Catalan translation (based on the edition of A. Vogt) of a Greek-Cypriot mystery play on the Passion of Christ, preserved in a manuscript from the 13th century in the Vatican Library (Pal. gr. 367). The text consists in a stage script providing instructions for the stagedirector on how to organise the performance, together with the lines of each actor, etc. These lines are taken from the Gospels, except for the moment of the Passion and the Resurrection, which is based above all on the apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus. It has a liturgical backdrop on the whole since it begins with the resurrection of Lazarus (corresponding to the Saturday before Palm Sunday in the Byzantine liturgy) and ends with the appearance of the resurrected Christ to the Apostles on the Octave Day of Easter, in addition to other liturgical elements, especially regarding the burial of Christ.


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