Peer Review Process

1. Receipt of articles
The Editorial Board notifies authors of its receipt of the articles that have arrived and later informs them as to whether or not they have been accepted for publication with a justification of the reason. Receipt of an article does not necessarily mean acceptance.

2. Internal review
The Editorial Board considers the text for publication after an initial editorial review which consists of checking: a) the fit between the topic and interest of the article with the editorial criteria of L&L; b) fulfilment of the formal submission requirements stipulated in the publication rules contained in the document entitled “Instructions for authors” and on this website.

3. External review
Once the article has been deemed appropriate for publication, it will be confidentially and anonymously sent for review to two or more expert reviewers from outside the Editorial Board. Texts which are only deemed acceptable with changes shall be sent back to the authors to be corrected; they must be returned to the journal in at most one month, regardless of whether the corrections are minor or major.

4. Criteria for choosing reviewers
The Editorial Board is in charge of choosing reviewers for the journal and takes into account their academic and scholarly qualifications as well as their professional experience, including both local and international experts.

5. Publishing policy criteria

The Editorial Board reserves the right to accept or reject articles based on the external reports, as well as to introduce stylistic changes or cut back the texts that are long than the allowed length, with a commitment to respect the original content. The factors which the editors of the journal will use to determine whether or not to accept texts are: 1) originality: a totally original text, valuable contributions; b) novelty and being up-to-the-minute; c) relevancy; d) significance for the advancement of knowledge; e) reliability and scholarly validity: proven methodological quality, appropriateness of the bibliography; and f) presentation: good writing, good organisation (logical coherence and physical presentation).