Ausiàs March’s Textual Tradition in ALM Manuscripts: A contribution to a new stemma codicum


  • Francesc J. Gómez Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Ausiàs March, textual tradition, anthology λ, stemma codicum


This essay thoroughly examines the close relationship between the Barcelona witnesses ALM of March’s poetry from both a codicological and ecdotic perspective. Most poems in MSS AL hark back to a common archetype, consisting of an anthology (λ) of around forty pieces in the established order. This anthology, which is related to the New York MS N, was not the only source of ALM, which show other signs of relationships with the Zaragoza MS H: firstly, a subarchetype κ for Poems 92-100 in Paris MS A; secondly, another subarchetype μ for a group of remaining poems in ALM, among which vestiges of an ‘extravagant’ tradition can also be detected. An analysis of this sort suggest relevant corrections to Amadeu Pagès’ and Robert Archer’s stemmata codicum.

Keywords: Ausiàs March, textual tradition, anthology λ, stemma codicum





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