Coordinated constructions in Catalan: Current classification and teaching proposals



coordinated sentence, Catalan, classification, description, teaching, linguistic reflection


This article provides a comprehensive overview of coordinated constructions in Catalan. The description focuses on the stance taken by the Institute of Catalan Studies’ Grammar of the Catalan Language (GIEC 2016) regarding the classification of these constructions. The review of the considerations in the GIEC is complemented with theoretical explanations and accompanied by several working proposals designed for higher education  classrooms.



Author Biography

Isabel Crespí, Universitat de les Illes Balears

Isabel Crespí is a linguist and assistant professor in the Department of Catalan Philology and General Linguistics at the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB). She is also a member of the Sociolinguistic Research Group of the Balearic Islands (GRESIB) and an external collaborator of the Center for Catalan Studies at Queen Mary University of London. Her research is primarily focused on theoretical syntax and the lexical-syntax interface, particularly within the neoconstructionist approach to syntax and the proposals developed within the nanosyntactic framework. She has analysed the event and argument structure of passive constructions in Catalan and other Romance languages and is currently engaged in a review of the behavior of the verbs 'ser' and 'estar' in Catalan. Furthermore, she actively contributes to research in language teaching and learning, both for native speakers (L1) and additional language learners. Her work extends to the creation of teaching materials with a specific focus on grammar. In this regard, she has collaborated in the development of textbook units for the teaching of Catalan, partnering with publishing houses such as Cruïlla and Edebé.


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