Epicedi per un professore di Beirut. Traduzione e note di commento ai prologhi giambici in P. Berol. Inv. 10559/10558


Palabras clave:

Adespota, iambics, Late Antiquity, Encomia, papyri.


In this article, I will focus on the Epicedia for a Professor of the School of Berytus, (P.Berol. Inv. 10559+ P.Berol.Inv. 10558; Perale 2020, Adespota apyracea Hexametra Graeca n.59), offering a translation of their prologues in iambics and a short commentary on it. In the commentary, I highlight the presence of the encomiastic topoi known from rhetorical treatises, expanding on the work already begun by Viljamaa 1968. Furthermore, I discuss vocabulary considering its use in rhetorical handbooks, prose orations, verse inscriptions, as well as parallels with visual art (the Kerç sarcophagus).


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