Sofocle, fr. 665 R.2 (Tiro) e la definizione aristotelica di 'eroe tragico' (Po. 1452b 30-1453a 11)


Palabras clave:

Sophocles, fragments, tragic hero, Aristotle, Poetics.


This paper aims to take into account new evidence concerning the identity of the tragic hero in Sophocles’ Tyro . I will compare fr. 665 R.2 — attributed by Stobeaus to Sophocles’ Tyro — with the Aristotelian definition of the tragic hero mentioned in chapter 13 of the Poetics (1452b30-1453a11a). Indeed, the analysis of the two texts seems to reveal a similar terminology and an analogous notion of ἁμαρτία/ἁμάρτημα (‘error’). As in Aristotle the destiny of the tragic hero depends on a ἁμαρτία regardless of his nature, in fr. 665 R.2 ‘No human being who did wrong (ἁμαρτών) unintentionally is bad (κακός)’. Thus, this analysis will allow me to suggest that the ‘human being’ mentioned in the fragment may be identifiable with the figure of the tragic hero described by Aristotle. In conclusion, I will take into account Sophocles’ overall conception of the tragic hero as well as the context of citation of fr. 665 R.2, in order to better define the character to whom the fragment may be referring in the play.


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