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  • S’han proporcionat els URL per a les referències sempre que ha estat possible.
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Directrices para autores/as


The articles will be reviewed for approval by external examiners
Title of the contribution (in bold, 14)
Author (font size 12) Workplace (font size 12)


in English (font size 12), 10 lines maximum; single line space
Keywords: font size 12; 5 maximum

Typefaces: Times New Roman 12 in the text. Line space 1,5. Paragraphs without indentation; without tab. Greek: Unicode, preferably Asteria Unicode (downloadable). Notes: text, note, punctuation mark. Example: word00.

‘Single quotation marks’: for single words; for translations. «Angle quotes»: for quotes. “Curly double quotes”: for quotes within quotes.

Text in smaller policy for quotes bigger than 2 lines: 11. Times New Roman. Single line space. Indentation: left: 0,8 cm.

Footnotes: Times New Roman 10.

For bibliography: At the end of the article. Anglo-Saxon system. Authors’ names in smALL cAps (as well as in the text of the article and footnotes) year, example: wiLAmowitz 1914, 000. In case of 2 authors: Author; Author. In case of titles of one author and various years: Author year a, b, etc. French indentation: 1,2 cm.
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F. GrAF 1993, «Dionysian and Orphic Eschatology: New Texts and Old Questions», in th. h. cArpenter; chr. A. FArAone (edd.), Masks of Dionysus, Ithaca - London, pp. 239-258. m. pArry 1929, «The Distinctive Character of Enjambement in Homeric Verse», TAPhA 60, pp. 200-220. m. L. west 19982 [1990], Aeschyli Tragoediae cum incerti poetae Prometheo, Stuttgart-Leipzig.

The abbreviations of ancient authors’ and works’ names are, regarding the Greeks, those of the LSJ; regarding the Latins, those of ThlL. Exceptions:

Aesch. (no A.) Suppl. Sept. Pers. PV Ag. Ch. Eum. Soph. (no S.) Ai. El. OT Ant. Tr. Phil. OC Eur. (no E.) Cycl. Alc. Med. Her. Hipp. Andr. Hec. Suppl. HF Ion Tro. IT El. Hel. Pho. Or. Ba. IA Rh. Pind. (no Pi.) Pyth. Ol. Isth. Nem. Bacch. (no B.) Thuc. (no Th.) Dem. (no D.) Aristoph. (no Ar.) Ach. Eq. Nub. Vesp. Av. Pax Lys. Thesm. Ran. Eccl. Pl. Xen. (no X.)

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