La Necessitat d'acoblar la història, la naturalesa de la ciència i l'educació científica. Propostes des de la història de la química


  • Pere Grapí i Vilumara


History of science has the important challenge of dealing with the nature of science in science teaching in the secondary education as well as in science teacher education. Concerning this demand, the following question arises: what aspects of the nature of science can be considered candidates to be dealt with by the history of science? There is a twofold aim in this article: firstly, to present the empirical model of the investigative pathways worked out by the historian of science Frederic-Lawrence Holmes as a reasonably suitable response to the previous question; secondly, to introduce four articles propounding different roads for including the history of chemistry in the classroom while stating some key aspects of the nature of science.





Monografia / Història i naturalesa de la química