Molt de química! Diversos mètodes per determinar experimentalment la constant d'Avogrado


  • Álvaro Domínguez Martínez


This paper is a summary of the research project titled Molt de química!, which consists on an exhaustive study of Avogadro constant. This research project had two main objectives. The first one was to explain the history behind this «magic number». The second one was to carry out an investigation designed to find out and explain some experiments by which one could estimate the value of Avogadros number, and which could be carried easily. Of the five different experiments that have been carried out, water electrolysis in acid or basic medium, the study of copper electrodeposition reaction, the study of crystal structures, the study of Brownian motion of a particle and the study of monomoleculars layers of fatty acids, the first three have given excellent results.





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