Estudio cristalográfico del sulfato de cobre (II) pentahidratado y del dihidrogenofosfato de amonio


  • Inmaculada Durán Torres
  • Ana Mª Martínez Martín


One of the most important and unknown aspects in the study of chemistry is the crystallization technique. The crystallization technique involves the natural ordering of the ions in a crystal lattice which is called a crystal, obtained either by evaporation of the solvent, as, for example, sulphate of copper (II) pentahydrate, or by cooling controlled, as is the case ammonium dihidrogen phosphate (monoammonium phosphate). In this paper, we explain the process of crystallization of sulphate of copper (II) pentahydrate and ammonium dihidrogenphosphate. We have also designed a thorough and systematic method for growing these crystals to a significant size, which allows their spectacular beauty to be enjoyed.





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