L'Aigua, sempre aigua? Una proposta indagativa per al Global Experiment de l'AIQ 2011


  • Mercè Izquierdo i Aymerich
  • Beatriz Cantero Riveros
  • Montserrat Tortosa Moreno


Water, always water? An inquiry proposal for the Global Experiment of the IYC 2011. Every summer, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona offers Campus Ítaca to 3rd ESO students. In this context, a chemistry workshop that proposes learners to identify five samples of water has been designed. The workshop had been planned in a way that participants could send data from local waters to the database of the Global Experiment, in a way in which they could appreciate the importance of cooperation, and to feel a part of the international school community in celebrating the International Year of Chemistry (IYC). The workshop could be also used in classroom after the IYC. It requires a small research project that allows students to make the same four activities as the Global Experiment. They also learn about salinity, conductivity, pH and water treatment, which are one of the contributions that chemistry makes towards the care of the environment and the health.





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