The theme of Earth Day and the social perception of what is really happening to our planet Authors Tomàs Molina Abstract The social perception of information is increasingly diverse and based on sources that in many cases are far removed from the traditional ones. New social mass media have opened the door to a universal 'rumorology,' which in the case of news related to science or objective knowledge often results in the transmission of misinformation and conspiracy theories. Global warming and climate change are a clear example of how scientific sources can be distorted and how, despite a scientific basis, the original source declared can be obscured. In the world of social networks, the communication of ideas and knowledge and of objective news are hopelessly confused. In society as a whole, science and news involving scientific knowledge are often reported unfiltered or without prior peer review, with only vague background knowledge. The social and global perception of climate change and the future of the planet have been shaped by social networks. Consequently, the theme of Earth Day 2011 is even more significant: 'A Billion Acts of Green,' or the universal socialization of a global necessity Downloads PDF Issue Vol. 8 No. 1 (2012) Section Focus License This work is subject, unless the contrary is indicated in the text, the photographs or in other illustrations, to an Attribution —Non-Commercial— No Derivative Works 3.0 Creative Commons License, the full text of which can be consulted at You are free to share, copy, distribute and transmit the work provided that the author is credited and reuse of the material is restricted to non-commercial purposes only and that no derivative works are created from the original material.