

  • Albert Díaz-Guilera Departament de Fisica de la Matèria Condensada, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia. Universitat de Barcelona Institute of Complex Systems (UBICS), Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia
  • Conrad J. Pérez-Vicente Departament de Fisica de la Matèria Condensada, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia. Universitat de Barcelona Institute of Complex Systems (UBICS), Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia

Paraules clau:

oscillator, Kuramoto model, phase transition, pulse-coupled oscillators, connectivity


In this paper we analyze the dynamics of two different models of oscillators. The most relevant aspect of both models is that synchronization emerges spontaneously as a natural stationary state and therefore may be a starting point for understanding complex patterns where exact timing plays a relevant role. However, the physical mechanisms leading to this temporal coherence are quite different in the two models, evidence of the richness of dynamic behavior in real systems. We are still far from a complete understanding of the whole process. The effect of the topology on the dynamics, the effect of mobility, the effect of disorder, etc., are all very important in biological, physical, and social environments and are the current focus of research in the field. [Contrib Sci 11(2): 207-214 (2015)]

Keywords: oscillator · Kuramoto model · phase transition · pulse-coupled oscillators · connectivity


Biografia de l'autor/a

Albert Díaz-Guilera, Departament de Fisica de la Matèria Condensada, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia. Universitat de Barcelona Institute of Complex Systems (UBICS), Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia




