Excepcional exemplar d'estel·làrid ("Teichaster poritoides") trobat en l'Eocè de Castellterçol


  • Lluís Via i Boada
  • Joan Almirall


This piece was found in the limits of Castellterçol, a village at about thirty miles from Barcelona, at eight hundred meters on the level sea, and formed by eocenic limestone.
This specimen has great rarity, because the growth of the marginal ossicles is not done, as common, by a continued sistem, but at intervals or sequences, forming a suite of growing parallel prisms.
Of the tow only registered fossils that exist with this so a rare characteristic, the one that fits with the presented piece is the Theichaster poritoides, an eocenic specimen (beefing the Metopaster duvergieri a miocenic one) and also for other characteristics that differentiate both of them. To be quite sure, we must bring out some ossicles, but it would be really a pity to spoil so an extraordinary piece. Anyway, it cannot be descarted that we are in face of a new species.


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