Noves aportacions al coneixement de la flora cormofítica de les comarques meridionals de Catalunya, amb especial atenció a les muntanyes de Prades


  • Julià Molero
  • Samuel Pyke
  • Moisès Guardiola
  • Eloi Josa
  • Javier López-Alvarado
  • Joan Felip
  • Llorenç Sáez i Gonyalons


New contributions to the knowledge of the cormophytic flora of Southern Catalonia, with special reference to Prades massif We provide new chorological, taxonomic and other data for 73 taxa found in the Southern Catalonia, which comprises the area between the Prades massif and the river Ebre. As regards chorology, Poa trivialis subsp. sylvicola and Bromus hordeaceus subsp. mediterraneus stand out as being new to the Catalonian flora; Brachypodium hybridum, Carex sylvatica subsp. sylvatica, Chenopodium striatiforme, Festuca lemanii, Prunus lusitanica, Scilla hyacinthoides, Vicia pannonica subsp. pannonica and others, are rare taxa known from few stations in Catalonia; 18 species and subspecies are new for southern Catalonia (Tarragona province) or extend beyond these limits. In addition, new localities are provided, along with increasingprecision concerning plants rare within the Prades Montsant Lllaberia Colldejou orography. Regarding nomenclature and taxonomic questions, we discuss and update certain little-known taxa such as Malva tournefortiana and grasses belonging to the complex genera Bromus (annual species), Poa and especially Festuca, where the F. rubra F. trichophylla group is studied in detail and a new taxon is described: Festuca trichopylla subsp. meridionalis Pyke & Molero. Finally we provide some historiographic data to evaluate the current presence of Fagus sylvatica in the Poblet forest.


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Gea, Flora et Fauna