Les Comunitats de mol·luscs terrestres del Parc de la Serralada de Marina (Serralada Litoral Catalana, Barcelona): aportacions per a la gestió i la conservació


  • Vicenç Bros i Catón


In order to make a diagnosis of the current status of the malacological settlement of in the Serralada Marina Park. It has been studied the diversity and specific abundance to recognize those species of greatest conservation concern. 52 localities have been sampled, which has preliminarily determined patterns of geographical distribution and habitat preferences of different taxons. It has been obtained a listing of 49 species, dominated by Mediterranean against the Euro-Siberian elements. Finally, in addition to the preliminary description of the different malacological communities established in the different habitats, there are suggested guidelines in order to elaborate the Conservation Plan which will govern the protection strategy of the natural areas? biodiersity of natural areas and which will concentrate conservation efforts for the elements of interest.


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Gea, Flora et Fauna