Contribució al coneixement de la taxonomia i la fenologia de les formigues (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) d'Andorra
A Malaise trap set in Santa Coloma, at 1,050 m altitude, collected 1,413 ant specimens from August 1992 to December 1993. There were 895 males (17 species), 137 queens (18 species) and 391 workers (12 species). Specific identification was possible for 582 males, 98 queens and all workers. Thirty species were detected in the samples, a rather high number for a Pyrenean locality. Eighteen species are new records for Andorra. From that group, several species (Dolichoderus quadripunctatus, Formica fusca, Lasius brunneus, Lasius distinguendus, Myrmecina graminicola and Stenamma striatulum). have a distinct northern biogeographic significance. Other species are markedly mediterranean (Aphaenogaster subterranea, Camponotus aethiops, Camponotus cruentatus, Camponotus truncatus, Crematogaster scutellaris, Messor structor, Pheidole pallidula, Pyramica tenuipilis, Plagiolepis pygmaea, Plagiolepis xene, Temnothorax rabaudi). Three further species, captured at another locality in southern Andorra, are new additions to the myrmecofauna of Andorra: Formica gerardi, Myrmica spinosior and Temnothorax kraussei. Thus to date, there are fifty-eight ant species recorded in Andorra.Downloads
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