Consideracions sobre la protecció de la diversitat vegetal als espais naturals protegits de Catalunya: el cas del Parc Natural de la Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa (PNZVG)


  • Andreu Salvat Saladrigas


This paper reviews the measures adopted for the study and protection of the vegetational diversity of the Natural Park of the Volcanic Area of the Garrotxa (PNZVG) since the approval of the 1994 Special Plan and presents the Flora and Vegetation Management Strategy for the PNZVG, a reference document for all action related to the study, management and popularising of the vegetational diversity of this natural protected area. As a result of this experience, it is possible to come to various conclusions that are of use in improving the management of vegetational diversity in the natural protected areas of Catalonia as a whole.


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Regiment de la Cosa Natural