Una primera aproximació a la riquesa específica dels odonats al Parc Natural de la Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa


  • Michael Thomas Lockwood


A total of 35 species of odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) were recorded from the Natural Park of the Volcanic Zone of La Garrotxa (NE Iberian Peninsula; PNZVG) in 2002 and 2003, of which 27 were observed at Els Estanys de Can Jordà. Three factors were considered in explaining this species-richness. First, the PNZVG is located at a confluence of biogeographical regions, a fact which ensures that there is great variety in the habitat type in the natural park and therefore in the odonata that fly there. Secondly, the habitat surrounding the wetlands in the natural park is very varied and satisfies the ecological needs of a great variety of species. Lastly, the wetlands themselves in the PNVZG are very varied, and have good water quality. At the end we comment that only by understanding the reasons for such great species-richness can habitat be managed for odonata in the PNVZG and elsewhere.


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Gea, Flora et Fauna