Catàleg dels coleòpters crisomèlids de Catalunya, II. "Zeugophorinae", "Donaciinae", "Criocerinae", "Clytrinae", "Lamprosomatinae" i "Eumolpinae"


  • Eduard Petitpierre i Vall


Forty-eigth species of Chrysomelids are recorded as the second contribution to this fauna of Catalonia. Their alimentary preferences, Iberian distribution and general geonemics are also briefly described. The number of species in each subfamily are the following: Zeugophorinae (1), Donaciinae (5), Criocerinae (9), Clytrinae (24), Lamprosomatinae (1) and Eumolpinae (6). The amount of species of Donaciinae is probably underestimated. Furthermore, two species of Cryptocephalinae not previously recorded, should be added to our first part of this catalogue (PETITPIERRE, 1980). Bromius obscurus and Cryptocephalus biguttatus are firstly cited for the Iberian fauna.


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