Notes sobre l'obra geogràfica i geobotànica d'Emili Huguet del Villar


  • Marta Estrada i Miyares


Emili Huguet i Serrataco (Granollers, 1871-Rabat, 1951), who signed his works with the name Huguet del Villar, carried out a remarkable activity in several fields, specially geography, geobotany and edaphology. This paper presents a brief biographical summary and discusses some interesting aspects of the geographical and geobotanical contributions of Huguet del Villar.
One of the most important geographical works of Huguet del Villar was the book, published in 1921, El valor geográfico de Espanya. Ensayo de Ecética («The geographical value of Spain. Essay on Ecetics»), in which he exposed interesting generalizations concerning the economical and political relationships between countries. In geobotany, Huguet del Villar introduced the modern view that the «steppic» areas of central Spain resulted generally from the degradation of the forest due to human intervention. In 1929 he published the treatise Geobotanica, in which he presented in a very concise and documented way the contemporaneous phytosociological theories and proposed many original ideas. Characteristics of the work of Huguet del Villar were his emphasis on logical structuration and generality. His writings reflected a strong personality and an extense cultural and scientific preparation. Another merit of Huguet del Villar, specially in the context of his epoch, was his interest on the consideration of phenomena from a dynamic point of view.


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