Catàleg dels coleòpters crisomèlids de catalunya, I. "Cryptocephalinae"


  • Eduard Petitpierre i Vall


A list of the sixty-five species of Cryptocephalinae Chrysomelids inhabiting Catalonia is reported as a contribution to the Catalogue of Iberian Chrysomelidae. The Iberian distribution and host plant records are also briefly summarized. These species belong to the following genera: Stylosomus (3), Pachybrachis (12) and Cryptocephalus (50). Cryptocephalus Sexpunctatus (L.), C. Nitidulus F., C. parvulus Mull., C. Mayeti Mars. and C. pini (L.) are new records for the Iberian Peninsula though the first three seem to be strictly restricted to the Central Pyrenees of Catalonia.


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