Resum de les activitats del Grup Català d'Anellament (1975-1977)


  • Enric Carrera i Gallissà
  • Isabel Martínez i Vilalta
  • Albert Martínez Vilalta


The present communication gives information about the initiation of the organised bird-ringing in Catalonia, which began with the union of two groups which, together with some independent ringers, constituted the actual «Grup Catala d'Anellament».
There is a commentary on the most important ringing campaigns performed during the years 1975-1977: those of migrant passerines, wintering and mountain birds, white storks, colonial birds (gulls, terns, waders, herons) and bee-eaters mainly.
There is, too, a quantitative and qualitative systematic list of all the ringed birds from 1975 to 1977, being on the whole 12.167; and also a short commentary about the controls, our recuperations and those of other ringers of whole Europe. Of special interest is the publicitary campaign organised to inform about our ringing activities, and thus obtain a greater number of recuperations.


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