Recull de la Comissió de Cetologia de la Institució Catalana d'Història Natural. II: anys 1974 i 1975


  • Joaquim Pelegrí


This second report of the Comissió de Cetologia of the Institució Catalana d'Història Natural includes 34 records of Cetaceans in the Mediterranean area between the French border in the North and Valencia in the South, and also from the Balearic Islands. From other coasts of the Spanish state there are few citations as there are no periodical surveys. We are trying to create local groups all along the Spanish state coasts to avoid this lack of information.
The existence of six strandings of striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) obliges to discuss its incidence in the past and in the present. It seems that now the striped dolphin is becoming a very common species in the Catalan Mediterranean coast. The situation of the common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) would be opposed. For the remaining species the situation is the same that CASINOS & VERICAD (1976) evidenced.
In each case the locality, date, morphological and biological data, preserved material, references and observer are noted. A short description of the specimens collected is following:
Balaenoptera physalus
1. Stranded dead specimen on Ca16 des Mort (Formentera Island).
Physeter macrocephalus
2. Stranded on platja del Grau (Plana Alta). Preserved: right flipper.
3. Stranded dead specimen on Favaritx (Menorca Island).
4. Stranded dead specimen on Palmeral beach (l'Alacanti), after a storm.
5. Stranded on Os Castros (Lugo, Bay of Biscay).
6. Stranded on Badalona (Barcelones).
Ziphius cavirostris
7. Stranded on La Magdalena (near Santander, Bay of Biscay). Delphinus deiphis.
8. Caught outside Es Castell (Menorca Island). Stenella coeruleoalba.
9. Stranded dead specimen on Castelldefels (Baix Llobregat). Preserved: complete skeleton and internal and external parasites.
10. Caught by local fishermen off Cubelles (Garraf). Preserved: skull and flippers.
11. Stranded dead specimen on bay of Pollenga (Mallorca Island). It showed injuries. Preserved: complete skeleton, internal and external parasites and stomach contents (cephalopod beaks).
12. Stranded on Sitges (Garraf). It showed injuries. Preserved: stomach contents (cephalopod beaks of the families Gonatidae and Sepiolidae and the species Loligo vulgaris Lam.). External parasites.
13. Stranded on Orpesa (Plana Alta). Preserved: skull and flippers.
14. Stranded on Sant Pere Pescador (Alt Emporda), after a storm. Preserved: complete skeleton.
Tursiops truncatus
15. Skeleton found in Punta del Fangar (Delta de lEbre). Preserved: skull.
16. Stranded on Punta Negra (Mallorca Island).
17. Skull found in the marshes of the Guadalquivir River, Atlantic Ocean.
18. Stranded on Castelldefels (Baix Llobregat). Preserved: skull, half lower jaw and a vertebra.
19. Stranded on Badalona (Barcelones).
20. Pieces of a skeleton found in Tarragona (Tarragones). Preserved: right lower jaw, a scapula, a rib and an intervertebral disc.
21. Skull found in Punta de la Banya (Delta de lEbre). Preserved: skull.
22. Dead stranded on Liencres (Asturies, Bay of Biscay).
23. Stranded on Motril (Granada, Mediterranean).
24. Caught on Torrevieja (Baix Segura).
Grampus griseus
25. Stranded on RincOn de la Victoria, near Malaga, Mediterranean.
26. A group of 10-14 specimens observed swimming (40º 25' N, 2º10' E). Pictures were taken.
27. Stranded dead specimen on Garraf (Garraf).
Indetermined specimens
28. Small delphinid stranded on La Mola (Formentera Island).
29. Small delphinid (Stenella coeruleoalba or Delphinus deiphis?) caught by local fishermen off Barcelona. Bougth at the Central Fish Market of Barcelona.
30. Delphinid stranded on Port d'Es Canonge (Mallorca Island).
31. Delphinid (Tursiops truncatus?) stranded on the Coll d'En Rabassa (Mallorca Island).
32. Small delphinid stranded on Cala Gaidana (Menorca Island).
33. Cetacean stranded on Torrevieja (Baix Segura).
34. Small cetacean stranded on Alboraia (l'Horta).


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