Resum de les activitats del Grup Català d'Anellament (1978-1979)


  • Enric Carrera i Gallissà
  • Anna Motis i Berta
  • Isabel Martínez i Vilalta


This summary is a continuation of the first publication of the «Grup Catala d'Anellament», which appears in this Bulletin too, and refers to years 1978-1979.
The variations that have taken place in the ringing campaings of the last years are briefly commented.
A list of our most interesting recoveries, controls and selfcontrols, posteriors to the precedent summary is included, as well as a list of species in systematic order, together with the total ringed birds of each one, and the total of the period 1975-1979 which is of 21.986 birds.


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