Les Planàries d'aigües dolces a Catalunya i les illes Balears. I. Clau sistemàtica i distribució geogràfica


  • Emili Saló i Boix
  • Jaume Baguñà Monjo
  • Rafael Romero i Benedí


The geographical distribution of freshwater planarians in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands has been studied from old and new records. Up to now, seven species have been found in Catalonia throughout the 44 localities studied, whereas only three species are present in the 13 localities studied in the Balearic Islands. The species and the geographical pattern found are similar to the published European records.
The criteria for a correct diagnosis of planarian species are assessed especially when dealing with complex groups like the subgenera Schmidtea and the old «gonocephala» group. We stress the need to study the karyotypes to diagnose correctly some of the present species and to discover new races and species hidden under a similar external appearance. Taking into account these considerations a key is provided to assist clasification of these organisms.
Finally, a pledge is made to stimulate the flow of sound information to add in a future work.


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