Sinopsi dels sòls dels Països Catalans


  • Jaume Bech i Borràs


In this publication are combined the pedological studies and observations wich, since 1962, the author has made in the Catalan Countries (including French Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Valencia). Basically, he has used the French system (C.P.C.S., 1967), indicating the correlations with those of Kubiena (1953), the 7th Aproximation U.S.D.A. ( 1973) and classification of the F.A.O. (1971).
After setting out principal pedological characteristics of the Catalonia soils, which show a great typological variety because of the climatic, lithological and orographical mosaic of this region of the western mediterranean, they are described following a criterion of altitudinal zonality.
The soils of high mountain areas, medium height areas and of the plains are ennumerated, being fully representative of the «azonals» and «intrazonals» types.


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