Una Aproximació metodològica en la diagnosi socioambiental de l'ús recreatiu, esportiu i turístic dels espais naturals protegits. El cas de la reserva del congost de Mont-rebei


  • Estela Inés Farías Torbidoni
  • Gemma Tolosa Giribet


A methodological approach for the socioenvironmental assessment of the use of nature reserves for recreational and tourist activities. The case of the Congost de Montrebei A detailed knowledge of the principal factors involved in the management of any type of nature reserve for recreation, sport or tourism can contribute to the development of different management strategies that favour a balance between conservation and public or social use. The evaluation of the environmental and social consequences of this use can provide the manager or management team with information needed for the application of particular management strategies that anticipate or diminish the negative environmental impact without reducing the quality of the visitors¿ recreational experience. In this way management may be adapted to the necessities and characteristics of the area, including natural variables as much as social ones. In this article we propose a methodological approach of social and environmental diagnosis by means of which most of the main factors involved in the recreational management of this type of area are addressed. The most relevant results obtained in the socioenvironmental diagnosis of the Reserve of the Congost de Mont-rebei (Lleida) are laid out, with the aim of evaluating the applicability of this methodology to the planning and recreational management of this nature reserve, so emblematic of the Catalan territory.


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