L'Herbari de la Institució Catalana d'Història Natural


  • Ignasi Soriano i Tomàs
  • Josep Maria Montserrat
  • Neus Ibáñez
  • Josep M. Camarasa i Castillo


The herbarium of the Institució Catalana d¿Història Natural In this work we present a study carried out on the herbarium of the Institució Catalana d¿Història Natural. We give statistics on the collectors, the collection years and localities, the families and major taxonomical groups represented and a list of type sheets and other specimens of taxonomical interest. The herbarium now contains 1202 sheets. It consists almost entirely of plants donated by the family of Frederic Trèmols and of part of the exsiccata «Plantes d¿Espagne» of Brother Sennen. The materials come mainly from Catalonia (532 sheets, 44 %), the rest of Spain (218, 18 %) and the European continent (125, 10 %) and include an unusual proportion of crucifers for our herbaria (253, 21 %). On the other hand, few of the taxa in the 112 type sheets present in the herbarium, such as Achillea millefolium L. subsp. ceretanica (Sennen) O. Bolòs & Vigo or Eryngium × chevalieri Sennen, are accepted by modern floras. However, the scientific interest of the collection is now limited, since a large part of these sheets are duplicates of ones in other collections also deposited at the Botanical Institute of Barcelona.


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Gea, Flora et Fauna