Espais naturals al País Valencià: Una nova categoria de gestió. Breu exposició sobre el Decret 109/1998 de 29 de juliol, del Govern valencià


  • Ferran de Rojas i Martinez-Parets


The natural environment of the Valencia Land is characterized by its anthropization, i.e. the traditional cohabitation of activity human and the typically Mediterranean natural conditions. Until now, the traditional policy of protecting nature reserves was being implemented mainly as a regional responsibility. Town councils played only a marginal or at best a subsidiary part in this process. The 109/1998 Decree of the Valencia Government allowed town councils to play a leading role in this matter, but something that could be positive for protection initiatives, should not mean a disorderly formulation of the measures for the management, use and regulation of the areas. The Valencia environment administration therefore has a permanent role in supervising and maintaining order, without hindering at all the essential local functions granted in this matter. Some procedural flaws that could arise during the application of the aforementioned Decree are analysed, and a proposal is made that would give the regional government a smaller margin of discretion.


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