About the near absence of Rosmarinus officinalis (Lamiaceae) in Pla d’Urgell and some interesting phenological anomalies



vascular plants, phenology, anomalies, meteorology, Ebro Valley


A phenological study of Rosmarinus officinalis has been carried out for almost seven years (October 2014-June 2021) in the region of Pla d’Urgell and other nearby areas (Ebro Valley, W Catalonia). The flowering of this species during cold winter months, its location on the S slopes of elevated areas of the highest hills and its little exposure to NW colder and drier winds lead us to suggest that the very low minimum temperatures with severe frosts that occur in winter in situations of thermal inversion are the main factor that would explain its absence in flatter and lower areas of the rest of the region. The second part of this article deals with the unusual flowering of Stipa offneri and other species, detected between November 2014 and June 2015, a period in which the meteorological stations of Pla d’Urgell also recorded significant anomalies.


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Gea, Flora et Fauna