Vegetation and fauna of the large pond in the urban park of Can Solei and Ca l’Arnús (Badalona): an introduction to urban biodiversity



environmental education, biodiversity, flora, fauna, native species, non-native species


The park of Can Solei and Ca lArnús is an urban park in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, located in the city of Badalona. In the park there is a large pond with permanent water and a high vegetation cover, which has great potential as a reservoir of biodiversity. This biodiversity hotspot in the middle of the city has great value in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. It also has a great value in terms of the ecosystem services it allows us to access and the opportunity it offers to provide environmental education at different levels, by being in contact with the nature, flora and fauna that surrounds us. Therefore, this research has studied both the vegetation and fauna of the pond, based on a series of observations in the park to find out whether the pond is really a biodiversity hotspot in an urban area, and what are the main impacts that may limit its potential. On the other hand, a series of dioramas and informative resources have also been designed based on the results of the study of the fauna and flora, which have been developed with the aim of providing tools for the public to learn about the great diversity of organisms that exist in this area and, in this way, to promote their conservation. The results obtained show the high biodiversity that exists in the parks pond area and, consequently, the need to conserve and manage the space properly due to its high ecological and environmental value within the city.


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Gea, Flora et Fauna