Regeneració del càrritx a les franges de protecció contra incendis al Parc Natural del Garraf


  • Montserrat Vilà i Planella
  • Anna Casanovas i Cuscó


One of the fire-prevention techniques carried out in the Garraf Natural Park (Barcelona) is manual clearing of the vegetation next to certain roads and tracks. The regeneration of the vegetation, and especially that of Ampelodesmos mauritanica («carritx»), in cleared stands was compared with that in adjacent non-cleared control stands. Cleared stands recovered very fast from clearing owing to the dominance of resprouting species. Cleared and control stands had no significant difference in the number and diversity of species. All cut A. mauritanica plants had high resprouting and survival. Although in cleared plots A. mauritanica plants were smaller than in adjacent non-cleared stands, cover was not significantly different. These results suggest that clearing is not a very effective management tool for fire-prevention in the vegetation studied unless it is repeated every two years.


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