La Vegetació de les serres prepirinenques compreses entre els rius Segre i Llobregat. 2- Comunitats herbàcies higròfiles, fissurícoles i glareícoles


  • Jordi Carreras i Raurell
  • Ignasi Soriano i Tomàs
  • Josep Maria Ninot i Sugranyes
  • Josep Vigo i Bonada
  • Empar Carrillo i Ortuño
  • Xavier Font i Castell


This paper is devoted to the phytocoenological study of the Pre-Pyrenean ranges stretching from Segre to Llobregat rivers. Almost all the area is included in the sub-montane, montane and sub-alpine belts, the alpine one being very reduced. Most of the vegetation is of submediterranean montane or xerophytic subalpine character. Hygrophytic communities are scarcely represented, as the majority of substrata are fissured limes. Molinietalia swards, fens and mires occur rarely and on reduced surfaces, frequently being weakly characteryzed, whereas hay meadows belonging to Rhinantho-Trisetetum are more extended and typical. On the contrary, vegetation settling on cliffs and screes is rather frequent, chiefly in the abrupt reliefs of the high mountain, and is mainly included in the calcicolous alliances Saxifragion mediae, Iberidion spathulatae or Stipion calamagrostis. The following new syntaxa are proposed Saxifrago-Ramondetum myconi valerianetosum apulae subass. nova, Moehringio-Gymnocarpietum robertiani festucetosum gautieri subass. nova and Sileno-Potentilletum nivalis stat nov.


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Gea, Flora et Fauna