Estudi faunístic i ecològic dels Coleòpters Crisomèlids de la Vall d'Aran


  • Eduard Petitpierre i Vall


The valley of Aran (Catalonia), in the central Pyrenees of Spain, in spite of its small geographic area, roughly 600 km2, shows a high richness in species of Chrysomelidae with 139 (138) taxa. Sixteen species of the Iberian fauna are exclusively recorded in this valley and should be especially protected. These species plus 35 rare and endangered ones, may provide some 50 elements that can be used as ecological indicators for monitoring the possible environmental changes in the valley. Most of this chrysomelid fauna of Aran is composed of Palaearctic-Euroasiatic-European and endemic elements (90%) contrary to other checked Iberian mountainous ranges where the South European-Mediterranean elements are predominant. Among the wide range of host-plants selected by the chrysomelids of Aran, the Salicaceae (mainly willows), supply feeding for the highest number of species (34), followed by the Asteraceae (21), Brassicaceae (7), and Lamiaceae (6).


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Gea, Flora et Fauna